If you have not seen the message from the ARRL Eastern PA Section (included below), the PA “Fone” Net is making a return. It will meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8 PM on 3910 KHz (LSB), beginning on November 1, 2019.
As a response to the many people who have asked about holding an EPA
Section Net later in the evening for people who are unable to check in
to the Eastern Pennsylvania Emergency Phone and Traffic Net at 6 PM on
3917 KHz, we are bringing back a net which ran many years ago, the
Pennsylvania “Fone” Net.“PFN” is a sanctioned EPA Section Net with liaison to nets in the
National Traffic System. As a section level net, we will emphasize
training. No one is an expert and we will work together to sharpen our
skills as communicators.The Pennsylvania “Fone” Net will meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday
at 8 PM on 3910 KHz (LSB) starting November 1st.Besides passing radiograms, we will share information of general
interest to other Hams about our stations and our activities in general.
We’ll also encourage sharing weather information from around the area.
All Hams are welcome.We are inviting Hams from Western Pennsylvania and the surrounding
States to join us for a wide area emergency communications and traffic
net.The net will be open for check ins by Hams from anywhere. We encourage
ARES Nets to send a representative to this net to be a Liaison Station
between ARES and NTS.EPA Section Nets:
3917 KHz 3585 KHz
6 PM Daily 7 PM and 10 PM DailyFor more information about the National Traffic System and for the
protocol we will follow as an NTS Net, read
http://www.arrl.org/nts-manualThere will be opportunities for stations to volunteer as Net Control
Stations. Being an NCS is easier than you might think.Please mark your calendar and join us on November 1st at 8 PM on 3910
KHz.If you have any questions, send me an email.
George W3GWM
Eastern PA Section Manager